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How we designed a floral print for a modest dress

Designing floral print dress

draft: by last updated: August 07, 2019

Floral prints 🌸 You love them, we love them, and here at Sweet Salt we bring you the most colorful, stylish, and darling floral prints around—right in time for spring!

Today we wanted to share with you one of our best-selling spring florals, and the inspiration behind it: Perfect with Pockets Floral Dress in Pink.

Isn’t it so darling? We love how cute and comfy this dress is! The floral print was painted right here at Sweet Salt’s production studio, with our lovely fan base in mind. The hues of the flowers were inspired by some of the most classic colors in nature: variants of blue, red, and yellow.

Painting Prints

Once the flowers were painted, we scanned them to create a digital copy. We wanted this dress to be perfect, so we placed it on a dress with pockets, comfortable sleeves, and a stylish cut.

Digital Copy of Floral Print

The finished product is gorgeous! Perfect with Pockets Floral Dress in Pink is available now under our new releases.

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